Monday, June 17, 2013

Maybe we're saving the wrong thing

Maybe we should keep the lists of combinations around instead of the base values; that would get us out of the divMod business, though OTOH it means hanging on to those lists; as it stands, I bet that they're being garbage collected.

The problem is that the bitmap moves us back to O(n), where n is the number of digits, rather than a fixed amount of work (because there's a fixed upper bound on the number of nonzero digits). We could roll our own bit fields, and stuff up to three bitsIn (n `div` 2) values into an Int or an Integer (actually, Haskell has Int8, Int16, Int32, and Int64 types to choose from; 21 bits a shot would allow for up to two million digits, times two for both halves of the palindrome--that's a lot bigger than the second official data set needs), but that seems kind of cheesy.

I'll have to think about that some more. In the meantime, I restructured the code a little bit to make the code that generates Ys more clearly parallel to the code that just counts them. The counting code:

numNDigitYs :: Int -> Int

numNDigitYs 1 = 3
numNDigitYs n = numTwoTwos n + numOneTwos n + numNoTwos n
    where numTwoTwos n = if even n then 1 else 2
          numOneTwos n = if even n then 0 else n `div` 2
          numNoTwos  n = if even n then s else 2 * s
                         where h = n `div` 2 - 1
                               s = sum [h `choose` i | i <- [0..min h 3]]

The generating code:

nDigitYs :: Int -> [Integer]

nDigitYs 1 = [1,2,3]
nDigitYs n = sort (noTwos n ++ oneTwos n ++ twoTwos n)
    where twoTwos n
              | even n    = [twoTwosNoOnes]
              | otherwise = [twoTwosNoOnes,
                             twoTwosNoOnes + tenToThe (n `div` 2)]
              where twoTwosNoOnes = 2 * tenToThe (n - 1) + 2
          oneTwos n
              | even n    = []
              | otherwise =  map (+ 2 * tenToThe halfN)
                                 (justOnes n (min 1 (halfN - 1)))

              where halfN = n `div` 2
          noTwos n
              | even n    = base
              | otherwise = concat [[p, p + tenToThe halfN] | p <- base]
              where halfN = n `div` 2
                    base = justOnes n (min 3 (halfN - 1))

Yeah, I guess that shows I'm seriously at the point of diminishing returns.

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