Things to note:
- the coins are all alike; it's not like you have different denominations that could distinguish one pile from another with the same number of coins.
- order doesn't matter; OOO OO and OO OOO don't count as different.
p :: Int -> Int
p n = sum $ map (p' n) [1..n]
That leaves p'. There are some obvious base cases:
p :: Int -> Int -> Int
p' n m
| m >= n - 1 = 1
| m == 1 = 1
If not those, then it turns out to be
| otherwise = sum [p' (n - m) i | i <- [1..m']]
where m' = min (n - m) m
That matches up with examples I did by hand, and in fact corrected some I managed to get wrong, so I am fairly sure it's correct.
Unfortunately, the full Euler Project problem asks for
head [n | n <- [1..], (p n) `mod` 1000000 == 0]
and this way of calculating p' and thence p is up there with the canonical recursive Fibonacci series function for slow. We need a faster way to evaluate p', or even better a fast way to calculate p without having to bother with p'.
So we generated some lines of output, the ith line being map (p' i) [1..i], Here it is, left justified:
And here it is right justified:
- p' n 2 == n `div` 2 for n > 1. There are n `div` 2 possible piles of size two, and each is either there or split into two piles of size one, so that makes sense.
- Check out that trailing portion. There's a steadily growing hunk of the end that never changes. It's because the maximum possible pile of what's left is no longer constrained, so past a certain value of n, p' n (n - m) = p m.
So, it would seem that p n == p' (2 * n) (2 * n - n) == p' (2 * n) n. That gets rid of the sum at the p end, but adds to the work on the p' side; it's not any faster, and maybe even a little slower. Worse yet, this isn't like factorial, where the number of trailing zeroes never shrinks--we're liable to end up using Integer instead of Int for the values the problem wants, which will make things slower still.
What we're really doing is counting "integer partitions". The integer being partitioned is the total number of coins, and each pile is represented by the number of coins in it (all the coins are alike). I will have to study this further.
UPDATE: maybe we can generalize the argument we did for p' n 2. What can we say about p' n k? There are n `div` k possible piles of size k, all right, but the leftovers have more than one possible state, and it's not as easy to enumerate them so that the pile sizes stay monotonically non-increasing.