In Haskell, String is a synonym for [Char], i.e. a list of Char. This is a very elegant way to deal with strings--but it's a killer for performance.
The recommended way around this is to use the ByteString type. It's not a drop-in replacement for String, sad to say; in particular replacing read and show are problematic. I lucked out on reading Integers, though the returned type is different, and I wimped out on generating the output. You also get to add an import line, in this case
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
and qualify some function names.Here's the revised main and supporting functions:
main = do
s <- B.getContents
let r = map format $ zip [1..] (map process (tail $ B.lines s))
putStr (unlines r)
process :: B.ByteString -> Int
process line = case map B.readInteger (B.split ' ' line) of
[Just (m, _), Just (n, _)] -> numXs m n
_ -> -1
format :: (Int, Int) -> String
format (lineNum, result) = "Case #" ++ show lineNum ++ ": " ++ show result
Is it worth it? Indeed it is. time output:
real 0m0.271s
user 0m0.240s
sys 0m0.028s
The cost centers:
nDigitYs Main 16.6 17.9
fromList.(...) SemilatticeSearchTree 13.0 18.9
tenToThe Main 12.6 0.0
justOnes Main 8.3 13.3
digitsIn.digitsIn' Main 7.9 8.4
justOnes.pair Main 6.7 6.4
fromList SemilatticeSearchTree 4.0 0.4
process Main 3.6 7.8
satisfy SemilatticeSearchTree 3.6 0.0
meet SemilatticeSearchTree 3.2 0.0
yTree Main 2.8 2.9
choices Main 2.8 6.0
floorSqrt.floorSqrt'.y Main 2.8 4.0
numNDigitYs Main 1.2 0.1
choose Main 1.2 2.0
noTwos Main 1.2 2.0
digitsIn Main 1.2 0.2
meet SemilatticeSearchTree 1.2 2.5
bound SemilatticeSearchTree 1.2 0.0
findFirst SemilatticeSearchTree 1.2 0.0
mkBranch SemilatticeSearchTree 0.4 2.2
justOnes.innards Main 0.0 1.0
main and main.r are nowhere to be seen. process is down from 35.9% time, 41.7% allocation, to 3.6% and 7.8% respectively.
Total allocation: 165,375,112 bytes, less than half of what it was. Not shabby.
P.S. Just before this change, the input file with much smaller values but ten times as many lines took well over half the time of the input file with huge values. That's no longer the case:
real 0m0.083s
user 0m0.076s
sys 0m0.004s
P.P.S. process is a bit brittle; if someone left more than one space between the two values on a line, B.split will obligingly represent the stuff between them with an empty string. We really should filter those out. UPDATE: turns out the ByteString has words; we're safe.
random notes and thoughts, mostly about Haskell these days, of a rather past middle-aged programmer
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