Sunday, July 20, 2014

Flashback, Part Two

Last time we found that our program to count ways to make change, while much better than the engineering class's brute force nested DO loops, isn't up to snuff.

There is a better way, it turns out. If you look at the Rosetta Code entry for this problem, which they call "Count the Coins", you'll find a number of approaches. For Haskell, there are two. The first "naive" program is essentially what we wrote (save that there's no explicit case for a one-element list; it's a little less efficient, but the recalculation may well swamp that difference).

The other Haskell program takes a different approach:

count = foldr addCoin (1:repeat 0)
        where addCoin c oldlist = newlist
              where newlist = (take c oldlist) ++ zipWith (+) newlist (drop c oldlist)

and if you look at the main for the program,

main = do
    print (count [25,10,5,1] !! 100)

    print (count [100,50,25,10,5,1] !! 100000)

you see that count returns a list that one indexes by the amount one wants to know how many ways to make change for (remember that the head of a list has index 0), reminiscent of the elegant Haskell Fibonacci sequence definition

fibs = 0 : 1 : (zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))

If you try it, you'll find it runs a lot faster than our program.

Consider the base case, no denominations, and then how to add a denomination. With no denominations, the only amount you can make change for is zero, so if count is correct it should hand back an infinite list whose head is 1 and all the other elements zero. That's exactly the

1 : repeat 0

that is the starting value for the fold.

So, suppose we have the list that corresponds to the first n denominations. How do we use that to generate the list for the first n + 1?

Well... if there are w ways to make change for c cents (just to have a name, we'll call the smallest denomination "cents") using the first n denominations, and the (n+1)st denomination is d cents, then there are w more ways to make change for c + i * d cents, for i in [1..] when you add the new denomination. So the new list is the current list plus the current list shifted right d places plus the current list shifted right 2 * d places plus... etc. That does look like what addCoin does. (Apologies for picking names that clash with addCoin; what they call "c", we're using "d" for.) Looking like, though, isn't proof. Back when I have proof.... and why foldr  rather than foldl?

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