Saturday, June 29, 2013


Chaddaï Fouché kindly responded to a query I put out on the haskell-beginners mailing list, suggesting:
What's iterate, you ask?

iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]

Give it a function f and a starting value s and it will hand you back

[s, f s, f . f s, f . f . f s, ...]

So, for example, rather than

powersOfTen = map (10 ^) [0..]

we can write

powersOfTen = iterate (10 *) 1

and instead of

bigTwos = map (2 ^) powersOfTwo

we can write

square n = n * n

bigTwos = iterate square 2

Not shabby, eh?

About those Vectors: they're a data structure that makes for O(1) (i.e. constant time) indexing, as opposed to the O(n) time for lists. There are two flavors: Data.Vector and Data.Vector.Unboxed. The unboxed version has lower overhead, but can't be used on all types.

So I added

import qualified Data.Vector as V

and changed a little bit of code:

          memoPair   = V.generate halfN (\i -> tenToThe i + tenToThe (n - 1 - i))
          pair i     = memoPair V.! i
          pairSum v = V.foldl' (+) shell ( pair v)

choices :: Int -> Int-> [V.Vector Int]

m `choices` n
    | n == 0           = [V.empty]
    | m == n           = [V.enumFromStepN m (-1) m]
    | otherwise        = [m `V.cons` c | c <- (m - 1) `choices` (n - 1)]
                         ++ ((m - 1) `choices` n)

and indeed it helped. I hope it will help more soon; I can't have an unboxed vector of Integers (or is that a vector of unboxed Integers?), so if I want the choices Ints unboxed, I can't use the unboxed vector map; I'll have to roll my own function for that.

A bigger payoff, for now, had to do with sorting, or the minimizing thereof. It's easy to make oneTwos come out in order; noTwos is the gotcha. We did the folliowing:

nDigitYs n = (merge (oneTwos n) (noTwos n)) ++ twoTwos n
    where twoTwos n
              | even n    = [twoShell]
              | otherwise = [twoShell, twoShell + tenToThe halfN]
              where twoShell = 2 * shell
          oneTwos n
              | even n    = []
              | otherwise = map (+ (shell + 2 * tenToThe halfN))
                                (0 : map pair [halfN - 1,halfN - 2..1])
          noTwos n
              | even n    = base
              | otherwise = merge base [p + tenToThe halfN | p <- base]
              where base  = sort $ map pairSum (noTwosChoices !! (halfN - 1))

and poof! The profiler output shows total time as 174 ticks, 0.17 seconds.  The best time output is now

real    0m0.214s
user    0m0.176s
sys     0m0.028s

No reduction in the percentage of time used for garbage collection, though.

You know... now it may be worth keeping palindromes rather than combinations, because we would only have to sort them once instead of twice--and that might cut the memory usage as well.

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